Under the patronage of:
| ONLINE MODULE #1 | 10-11 September 2021
TOPIC: The importance of a global sustainable transition to foster an inclusive society with a focus on Europe and Africa
ANALYSIS PATH: What are the international legal bases of the ecological transition and how might they impact on the most vulnerable people within Europe, such as people at risk of exclusion from labour market? How are Africa and the international politics adressing climate-induced migration in and from Africa?
CONCEPT: The 2030 Agenda represents the commitment of the international community to the definition of an “action plan for people, planet and prosperity”. The ecological transition should consider the social and inclusive dimensions of productive processes, both as values required by the increasing sensitivity among consumers, and as relevant drivers to avoid the possibility of leaving behind the weakest part of the societies as well as the poorest areas of the planet. To be just and inclusive, the transition should be accompanied by policies that will support labour and education, protection from poverty, cooperation and balance between countries and different areas in the world. In particular, it is compelling to rethink traditional development models in Africa and to use transformational change to build a sustainable future for the continent. What are the international legal bases of the ecological transition and how could it impact on the most vulnerable people within Europe, such as people at risk of exclusion from the labour market? How are Africa and international politics addressing climate-induced migration in and from Africa?
Friday 10 September
Morning 9,15 am -12,45 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Sören Bauer, Communication strategist, knowledge manager and journalist, President of the non-profit REVOLVE Circular |
9,15 – 9,25 Greetings and presentation of the School | Andrea Marchesini Reggiani, President of coop. Lai-momo, member of the Committee of Experts for Support the G20 Environment in Italy |
9,25 – 9,50 Institutional greetings | Elly Schlein, Vice President of the Emilia-Romagna Region |
10,00 – 10,45 10,45 – 11,15 Q&A Climate, Hunger, Conflicts, Migrations: Turning 4 Problems into a Solution |
Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean |
11,15 – 11,30 | Break |
11,30 – 12,15 12,15 – 12,45 Q&A The 2030 Agenda as an opportunity to frame development and migration nexus in an environmental perspective: a focus on Africa-Europe relationships |
Marta Foresti, Director – ODI Europe |
Friday 10 September
Afternoon 3,00 pm-5,30 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Giovanni Bettini, Lecturer in International Development and Climate Politics at Lancaster University |
3,00 – 3,45 3,45 – 4,15 Q&A The interdependency between migration, climate change and sustainable development: Africa as an actor to comprehensive global solutions |
François Gemenne, FNRS researcher at the University of Liège and head of Observatoire Hugo |
4,15 – 4,30 | Break |
4,30 – 5,30 (incl. Q&A) African Environmental and Youth Climate Activism Fighting for a Sustainable Future |
Nisreen Elsaim, Environmental and climate activist |
Saturday 11 September
Morning 10,00 -11,30 am CEST/GMT+2
10,00 – 11,30 | |
Impact Evaluation – Project work Session # 1 – Theoretical basis of the Impact Evaluation and presentation of the rationale of the group activity |
Ashoka Italia |
| ONLINE MODULE #2 | 17-18 September 2021
TOPIC: Towards a sustainable Europe: an opportunity for inclusiveness through new job creation
ANALYSIS PATH: How is the labour market changing and how will it be renewed? What are the tools to avoid inequality and exclusion among those who have difficultly adapting to the transition (low-skilled / under-skilled people, new-comers)? What attention is being paid to the “castaways” of the ecological transition?
CONCEPT: The new opportunities that will be generated thanks to the revolution towards sustainability must be a driver to make our societies more just and inclusive. The creation of new green jobs will play a crucial role in reducing the existing gap between poor and rich people, both at a local and global level. In addition, in order to adequately take care of the social dimension of the transition, the education system, the third sector, the training sector and businesses will have to facilitate a productive dialogue and to collaborate in order to outline new educational and training systems (up-skilling and re-skilling of workers, in particular those at risk of exclusion due to their previous employment in the linear economy, and migrants). In this transition process, in the light of the increasing intensity of the social and economic crisis provoked by the pandemic, it is important to stand explicitly for combating inequalities in order to avoid an increase in social and economic polarisations.
Friday 17 September
Morning 10,00 am-12,45 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Marta Meloni, Operative Director of the International School on Migration |
10,00 – 10,45 10,45 – 11, 15 Q&A The European job market evolution in the context of the ecological transition: promoting social rights and well-being for all |
Francesco Quatraro, full professor of Economics at the University of Torino and Fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto |
11,15 – 11,30 | Break |
11,30 – 12,15 12,15 – 12,45 Q&A Education and training of disadvantaged people: the importance of up-skilling e re-skilling to support the transition from linear to circular economy |
Alessia Lefebure, Dean, Agrocampus Ouest (French School of Agriculture, Food, Horticultural and Landscape Sciences) |
Friday 17 September
Afternoon 2,30 pm-5,15 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Toloue Miandar, Assistant Professor at University of Bologna and Bologna Business School |
2,30 – 3,30 3,30 – 3,45 Q&A Panel discussion: Circular supply chain and job evolution: a global opportunity to drive an inclusive change |
• Alessandra Bonoli, Full Professor in Raw Material Engineering at the University of Bologna • Bezawit Eshetu, Circular Economy Expert, member of the Executive Team and Ethiopia’s Country Representative at the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN) |
3,45 – 4,00 | Break |
4,00 – 5,00 5,00 – 5,15 Q&A Sustainability and Climate Change: from challenges to shared solutions for the future |
• Maria Alessandra Ancona, Junior Assistant Professor of Energy Systems and Power Generation at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna • Salvatore Pascale, Junior Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Bologna. |
Saturday 18 September
Morning 10,00 -11,30 am CEST/GMT+2
10,00 – 11,30 | |
Impact Evaluation – Project work Session #2 |
Ashoka Italia |
| ONLINE MODULE #3 | 24 September 2021
TOPIC: Local Authorities as agents of change towards social and environmental sustainability
ANALYSIS PATH: How are local authorities working to enhance the changes in their territories and how should they act to protect citizens and workers, both migrant and native, at risk of exclusion (low-skilled / under-skilled people)?
CONCEPT: Local Authorities have been put in the spotlight for their role in the realisation of the global agendas embracing the social and environmental sustainability challenge, and many of them have demonstrated their commitment. How are they working to enhance the changes in their territories and how should they act to protect citizens and workers, both migrant and native, at risk of exclusion (low-skilled / under-skilled people, new-comers)? Different solutions to seize the upcoming opportunities have been put in place and many others will be implemented to guarantee a transition that is just and inclusive for all.
Morning 10,00 am-12,45 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Luigi Di Marco, Policy analyst – ASviS Secretariat |
10,00–10,45 10,45–11,15 Q&A How municipalities have faced the challenges of inclusion, with/out competences, in order to foster social and environmental sustainability in local communities |
Gemma Pinyol-Gimenéz, Head of Migration Policies and Diversity at InStrategies |
11,15 – 11,30 | Break |
11,30 – 12,15 12,15 – 12,45 Q&A Transitioning to sustainable and just cities: how can local authorities move beyond the social and environmental silos? |
Matthew Bach, Coordinator, Just Transition at ICLEI |
Afternoon 3,00 pm-5,30 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary general of EUROCITIES |
3,00–3,45 3,45–4,15 Q&A From global to local action: how Local Authorities are coping with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda? |
• Fátima Fernández, UCLG World Secretariat Barcelona • Norbert Ciperle, City councilor of Traiskirchen Municipality • Cristian Vasile, Foreign Affairs Officer of Constanta Municipality |
4,15 – 4,30 | Break |
4,30 – 5,30 Impact Evaluation – Project work Session #3 |
Ashoka Italia |
| ON-SITE MODULE #4 | 3/4/5 October 2021 (Lampedusa, Italy)
TOPIC: The private sector as an agent of change towards sustainability
ANALYSIS PATH: What is the private sector doing to innovate business and to include the most vulnerable people?
CONCEPT: For companies, the transition towards social and environmental sustainability is no longer just the result of a strategic choice aimed at best responding to the arising needs of consumers but has become an assumption of responsibility in front of their stakeholders. They have taken on the role of change makers, demonstrating their fundamental role in driving the sustainable transition. What is the private sector doing to innovate business and to include the most vulnerable people?
2 October – Evening 6,00 pm-9,00 pm CEST/GMT+2
Welcoming event (On-site only) | Presentation of the program of the celebrations of October 3rd and of the training activities and welcome drink |
3 October – Commemoration of October 3rd (On-site only)
3.15 am CEST | Moment of reflection with Vito Fiorino at the “Nuova Speranza” Memorial in Piazza Piave, at the same time of the shipwreck that caused the death of 368 innocent victims in 2013 |
9.30 am CEST | Meeting in front of the Area Marina Protetta hall and walk towards the Porta d’Europa |
10.30 am CEST | Moment of reflection at the Porta d’Europa in the presence of the Authorities, Institutions, fishermen and survivors of the shipwreck |
3.00 pm CEST | Vito Fiorino meets the International School on Migration |
5.00 pm CEST | Presentation of the Percorso della Pace, in the presence of Totò Martello, Mayor of Lampedusa and Linosa |
4 October – Morning 10,00 am-13,00 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Piergiuseppe Morone, Full Professor of Economic Policy at UnitelmaSapienza
10,00 – 10,10 Institutional greetings 10,10 – 10,45 10,45 – 11,15 Q&A The responsibility of the business sector toward a sustainable transition: the role of private companies and the Global Compact |
• Gian Luca Galletti, Vice President of Emil Banca and former Italian Minister of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection. • Marco Frey, Chairman of Global Compact Network Italy Foundation |
11,15 – 11,30 | Break |
11,30 – 12,15 12,15 – 12,45 Q&A The connection between diversity, inclusion and corporate responsibility: how companies can make the difference? |
• Simone Cipriani, UN Officer, Founder and Head of the Ethical Fashion Initiative. • Sofia Arena, Compliance Specialist Fendi Roma • Byron and Dexter Peart, Cofounders of Goodee • Roberta Marsi, Head of Corporate PR & General Services, DHL Express Italy |
12,50 – 13,00 Institutional greetings | Laura D’Aprile, Directorate General for the Circular Economy of the Italian Ministry for the Ecological Transition |
5 October – Morning 10,00 am-1,30 pm CEST/GMT+2
Moderation | Sandra Federici, Educational and Didactic Coordinator of the School on Migration. Editor-in-chief of Africa e Mediterraneo |
10,00 – 10,45 10,45 – 11,15 Q&A Africa, fashion and circular economy |
Enrica Picarelli, Independent fashion scholar, writer, and media consultant |
11,15 – 11,30 | Break |
11,30 – 12,15 12,15 – 12,45 Q&A The future of the fashion: responsible innovation and sustainability as the key to change |
Alessandra Vaccari, Associate Professor of Fashion History and Theory at the Università Iuav di Venezia |
12,45 – 1,30pm Final remarks and conclusions |
Andrea Marchesini Reggiani, President of coop. Lai-momo, member of the Committee of Experts for Support the G20 Environment in Italy |
Afternoon 3,00 pm-5,00 pm CEST/GMT+2
3,00 – 5,00 Impact Evaluation – Project work Session #4 and conclusion |
Ashoka Italia |
The 2021 edition of the International School will offer to the participants an exclusive training module on Social Impact Assessment, carried out by Ashoka Italia. Participants will have the opportunity to candidate a project from their organization as a case study for this module. Project work sessions in small groups conducted by a tutor will aim to explore in more depth the theme of impact assessment, supporting the participants to analyze consistent tools applicable in different contexts and disciplines. The project work will be followed by an expert who will provide support to participants both during and outside the days scheduled for the lessons, so as to offer dedicated and in-depth training in the days between sessions. Project work sessions will be supported by collaborative online tools, where participants and tutors will have the opportunity to collaborate, work on assignments and networking at international level.
The first three sessions will be held on-line, while the fourth session will take place as a face-to-face session on the island of Lampedusa (with the possibility to take part on-line), coinciding with the important anniversary of the shipwreck disaster of October 3rd, 2013. During this period the island hosts various initiatives, becoming a meeting place for people who have lived or who are interested in sharing experiences related to marginalisation and migration.
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