Alessia Lefebure
Director Alliance, Columbia University
She is adjunct professor at SIPA, and previously taught at Sciences Po and Tsinghua University. An internationally recognized expert in global affairs and education, she serves as a member of international boards and committees.

Pamela DeLargy
Senior Advisor to the UN Special Representative to the Secretary General for Migration
She has worked for two decades in UN humanitarian response, women, peace and security issues. She has worked in numerous conflict settings, including Eritrea, DRC, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire. Her current work is focussed on the protection needs of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Director of research at CNRS (CERI), Science Po Centre de Recherche Internationales
For 30 years she has been a researcher of international migration. She currently teachs at Sciences-Po, at the University La Sapienza in an EU Socrates Program and she has been President of the Research Committee Migration of ISA –International Sociological Association (2002-2008).

Aidan White
Director, Ethical Journalist Network
Aidan worked as a journalist with The Guardian in London before serving as General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists from 1987 until 2011. Aidan founded Ethical Journalism Network, a global campaign promoting good governance and ethical conduct in media, in 2012. The EJN’s latest report focuses on how the media cover migration.

Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins
Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Amsterdam
She specialises in the intersection of humanitarianism and border control. Her current research is focused on what she terms “humanitarian borderwork” in Europe and the Mediterranean. This builds on previous research into humanitarianism, border policing and the political sociologies of walls, fences and security barriers.

Paolo Ballarin
Professional pyschotherapist, self employed since 2000, trained in the treatment of traumatic experiences. Specialised, since 1999, in interculutral pyschology and pyschotherapy, and works, in particular, in the field of projects aimed at refugees and asylum seekers. Supervisor and advisor for public and private corporations.

Pierluigi Musarò
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Bologna
He is also Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and at the Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University. His primary research interest focuses on the relationship between social justice and humanitarianism in contemporary mediated communication.

Antonio Ricci
Senior Researcher, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS
Expert on international migration flows and Eastern Europe. Since 2003 to March 2014 Project Manager of the Italian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN). Since 2004 senior researcher on migration and asylum at IDOS Study and Research Centre.

Viviana Valastro
Head of the Children on the Move Protection Unit – Save the children
After a Degree in Law on 2002 at the Catholic University of Milan, she obtained a Master Degree-II level in Human Rights and Ethics of International Cooperation. Lawyer, she has been working for Save the Children since 2006, 5 years in the Advocacy Unit, then Coordinator of the Praesidium Project for 3 years and actually Head of the Children on the Move Protection Unit.

Nadia Urbinati
Kyriakos Tsakopoulos Professor of Political Theory – Columbia University
She specializes in democratic and anti-democratic theory, modern and contemporary political thought. She is the author of book chapters and articles in accredited journals and of several books in English and in Italian, among other, The Tyranny of the Moderns (Yale 2015); Democracy Disfigured: Opinion, Truth and the People (Harvard 2014).

Lorenzo Vianelli
Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, and Member of the Association Asilo in Europa
He worked for few years in the field of asylum seekers’ reception in Italy. His dissertation project investigates the way asylum seekers are governed through reception in the EU by focusing in particular on Italy and Sweden. He presented his work at conferences in Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and USA.

Vincenzo Spigonardo
Etnopsychiatry and Cultural Consultation Service Coordinator, “Villa Colli” Hospital
In the past ten years, he has conducted clinical research on cultural psychiatry and cultural competence at the McGill University and at the Department of Mental Health in Bologna and he has organized international conferences on Trauma, Cultural Competence, Religion and Mental Health.

Marco Borraccetti
European Union Law Assistant Professor, University of Bologna
Visiting Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles and visiting scholar at University of Illinois, his research focuses on migration and mobility and the judicial protection of fundamental rights in the EU; trafficking in human beings and access to victims’ rights. He was legal expert for the Italian delegation to the Global Forum on Migration and Mobility and for the Italian Ministry of Justice.

Francesco Martino
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso
After graduating in Media Studies at the University of Trieste, Francesco Martino moved to the Balkans in 2004. Since then, he has been working as a correspondent from the region for Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso as well as for several Italian and international newspapers, radios and televisions.

Aycan Celikaksoy
Stockholm University
She is a researcher at SOFI (Swedish Institute for Social Research) and SULCIS at Stockholm University. She got her PhD degree from Aarhus University in Denmark. She was a visiting scholar at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. She is currently conducting a project on ‘Unaccompanied/Separated Children’.

Anna Giustiniani
After graduating in Political Sciences, with a final dissertation focussing on human rights, in particular the ANNEX 11 to the European Convention on Human Rights, and after attending the Post Graduate School of Specialisation on European Studies, joined IOM in 2008 at the Mission in Rome, where she is now working on Resettlement and Intra EU Relocation.